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你准备好成为别人家墙上的苍蝇了吗?哦,我们有没有提到这是我们性感的自制情侣 Lenka 和 Lukas 的家? Lenka 喜欢给 Lukas 打手枪,这就是你在这里得到的。纯粹的摩擦爱。在厨房和浴缸里。 Lenka 拥有一位拥有按摩学博士学位的密宗女神之手。 我们的 Hegre Homemade 系列仍处于测试阶段,但如果这是未来的迹象,那将是一个好年头。
Are you ready to be a fly on the wall in someone else’s home? O, and did we mention it’s the home of Lenka and Lukas, our sexy homemade couple?
Lenka loves to give Lukas handjobs, and that’s what you get here. Pure rub-a-dub Love. In the kitchen and in the tub. Lenka has the hands of a Tantra Goddess with a PhD in Massage.
Our Hegre Homemade series is still in beta, but if this is a sign of things to come, it’s gonna be a good year.
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