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卢萨是一尊人像。长,白色,雕刻和匀称。 一名为下一届奥运会进行训练的乌克兰运动员,她的动作是纯粹的诗歌,当她完全赤裸地躺在一张长木桌上时,她的静止让电影摄影机探索她无缝形式的每一个折痕和缝隙,每一条曲线和平原,每一平方英寸就好像 Petter Hegre 是一位追求完美的科学家,而 Lusa 是中庸之道。 一切为了教育!
Lusa is a human statue. Long, white, carved and shapely.
A Ukrainian athlete training for the next Olympics, her movements are pure poetry, her stillness as she lies totally naked on a long wooden table allowing the movie camera to explore every crease and crevice, every curve and plain, every square inch of her seamless form as if Petter Hegre is a scientist seeking perfection and Lusa is the golden mean.
It's all for education!
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