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镜子,墙上的镜子… 谁是他们中最公平的?这些天我们似乎都对自己的形象很着迷。社交媒体让我们所有人都对自己的照片进行监管。您必须获得正确的角度和正确的过滤器。虚荣心爆炸了。 在这部窥淫癖电影中,亚历山德拉确保她的镜头恰到好处。但这些不是用于在 Facebook 上发布的照片!她正在向某人发送一些私密且非常顽皮的图像。 问题是:给谁?等等……你的手机不是在震动吗?
Mirror, mirror on the wall…
Who is the fairest of them all? We all seem obsessed with our image these days. Social media has caused us all to police the photos of ourselves. You’ve got to get the right angle and the right filter. Vanity has exploded.
In this voyeuristic film, Aleksandra is making sure she has just the right shot. But these are not photos for posting on Facebook! She’s sending a few private and very naughty images to someone.
The question is: to whom? Hang on… Isn’t that your phone vibrating?
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