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しかし、もちろん、彼女はおとぎ話の登場人物ではありません。実際、彼女はウクライナ最大の都市の一つであるドニプロで生まれ育ち、ちょうど千年紀の変わり目に間に合いました。ブロンドで背が高く、スリムな彼女は、フルタイムの学生であり、3D アーティストであり、熱心な画家でもあります。
Viktoriia looks like a noble lady from a golden age. From before the invention of cars and electricity. And residing in, say, a chateau somewhere in a pleasant rural area of Ukraine.
BUT OF COURSE, she’s not from a fairy tale. In fact she was born and raised in Dnipro, one of Ukraine’s largest cities and just in time for the turn of the millennium. Blonde, tall and lean, she’s a full time student and 3D artist, as well as an avid painter.
Quiet and reserved, Viktoriia is nonetheless not shy when it comes to her slender figure and good looks. And always open to new adventures and ways to inspire herself.