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New Video Drafts for Critique

di Jerdoc

10 seguaci
2 Commenti

Great demonstration on the difference between erotic massage and tantric massage. This was full tantra. Very relaxing. A pleasure to watch and very intimate. Clearly not about sex and orgasm. He was very caring, gentle and showed he was mainly after relaxing her, giving her pleasure and not rushing into genital or orgasm. Showed the essence of tantra. About the whole body including but not necessarily focused on genital massage. She looked very relaxed and content. He showed no expectation of the need to take anything from her but only to give. Well put together. Also liked the changing music selection.

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Membro Premium
31 minuti, puro piacere.
31 minutes, pure pleasure.
Membro Premium
Grande dimostrazione sulla differenza tra massaggio erotico e massaggio tantrico. Questo era un tantra completo. Molto rilassante. Un piacere da guardare e molto intimo. Chiaramente non riguardo al sesso e all'orgasmo. Era molto premuroso, gentile e ha mostrato che lo era principalmente dopo averla rilassata, dandole piacere e non precipitandosi nei genitali o nell'orgasmo. Ha mostrato l'essenza del tantra. Su tutto il corpo incluso ma non necessariamente focalizzato sul massaggio genitale. Sembrava molto rilassata e contenta. Non mostrava alcuna aspettativa della necessità di prendere qualcosa da lei, ma solo di dare. Ben messo insieme. Mi è piaciuto anche il cambiamento della selezione musicale.
Great demonstration on the difference between erotic massage and tantric massage. This was full tantra. Very relaxing. A pleasure to watch and very intimate. Clearly not about sex and orgasm. He was very caring, gentle and showed he was mainly after relaxing her, giving her pleasure and not rushing into genital or orgasm. Showed the essence of tantra. About the whole body including but not necessarily focused on genital massage. She looked very relaxed and content. He showed no expectation of the need to take anything from her but only to give. Well put together. Also liked the changing music selection.