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Gia 的哲学人格立即给 Petter 留下了深刻印象。她有一种沉思、深沉的品质。她喜欢写作、阅读文学作品和听激烈的音乐。有点像年轻的帕蒂·史密斯。 但她也对性的精神方面很感兴趣。她渴望扩展自己的感官知识并学习肉体交流的“黑暗艺术”。已经有过一些双性恋经历的她现在倾向于通过更激烈的私人关系来拥抱女性力量。 是的,Gia 是一个复杂的角色。但所有这一切都与她天真、几乎是孩子气的外表混在一起。换句话说,她是一个对比研究,这使她更具吸引力。毕竟,最令人困惑的事情往往是最令人愉快的。
Gia immediately impressed Petter with her philosophical personality. She has a brooding, deep quality. She loves to write, read literature, and listen to intense music. Sort of like a young Patti Smith.
But she’s also intrigued by the spiritual side of sexuality. She’s eager to expand her sensual knowledge and learn the “dark arts” of carnal communion. Having already had some bisexual experiences, she’s now leaning towards embracing the feminine force through even more intense, private relations.
Yes, Gia is a complex character. But all of that is mixed in with her innocent, almost boyish looks. In other words, she’s a study in contrasts, which makes her all the more appealing. After all, the most bewildering things are often the most pleasurable.
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