
Jaqui Profile

Name: Jaqui
Country: Argentina
Weight: 52kg
Height: 174cm
Born: March, 1987

Soft and Slender

As an up and coming model in Argentina, Jaqui understands that it is important to do a little bit of everything.

SHE LIVES in a flat with several other girls, working for painters and sculptures to pay the bills. Having recently participated in her first catwalk performance she has also enjoyed some prominent features in fashion magazines. Not bad at all for a girl from a small South American town. When Jaqui arrived at an open casting, Petter Hegre knew right away that she would make an amazing subject.

Maybe it was the spark in Jaqui’s eye? Or perhaps her slender body complimenting her milk white skin? Whatever the reason Petter was right and Jaqui acted like a true model; she was proud to show off her naked body to the camera and happily endured a long day of shooting on the streets of Buenos Aires.

You can count on seeing a lot more of Jaqui in the world very soon.

Jaqui orange July 10th, 2006

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Jaqui vs. Orange
This is one of the more original approaches to erotic photograph to go up on the site in a while. When I saw the cover “teaser” that is put up the day before the set appears, I thought that a new layout for the “Shots” cover was going to be introduced—one with a heavy orange strip on one side for the text, thereby allowing the model’s photo to be “text free.” Nope; just Petter being creative in setting off his girl’s beauty. On the first page, where the orange was the whole background for the first dozen shots, an interesting contrast emerged. There is nothing in the shots except for fully nude Jaqui for this first part of the set. But even where Petter comes in close in #11 the solid power of this single colour overwhelms the rich texture of her beauty. When the orange turns to a strip for the remainder of the set, Jaqui seems to be in a fight with it for attention. Even though the room is comparatively colourless (save the candles in the window), the orange still asserts its ability to overwhelm Jaqui’s charms for our eyes’ attention. I think that if we look at what this site is trying to as some thing more than just showing pictures of nude women (which is what countless others do) and we look at it as truly an effort to present nude women as elements in and of new and interesting artistic expressions, then you have to see this set as a great example of why the site is unique and continually interesting.
Jaqui home sweet home June 26th, 2006

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Great smile and superb puffy nipples. I like this model.
Jaqui is very beautiful and cute. I like the upclose pictures.
Peter is the only photographer I've ever seen where the prop becomes more important than the subject. No matter how awkward the pose, keep that chair. Yawn again!
Jaqui zebra May 21st, 2006

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Jaqui has a great ass and a beautiful pussy. Very good set. Image #61 is stellar.
absolute beauty,absolute knockout.
Typically a razor is fine, but for some, wax may be a better alternative. Otherwise, she is hot.
hmmmm.....what would I do if I where there?
Jaqui and Mickey-Bush May 6th, 2006

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I think it's great, way to mix it up. I'm not a 28 percenter so I don't care anyway. The sooner 2008 rolls around the better.
No Petter, we don't want guys in the pictures and certainly not this one. He's an utter turn-off and an insult to your finest model of all. Thankfully, you've made it up to her and your fans with that breathtaking series of 22nd may!
it's good idea i guess
Nice Presentation
I'm not photographic art expert, I am a musician. I just wanted to comment though that I appreciate the time you took to use a background through the window that was well lit and contrasted Jaqui's dark hair against the blue sky. I think the presentation really works because of the adequate, but not overdone, fill light from the right. Nice job! If I were to offer one suggestion (and I realize the ideas in your site are bigger than my passing fancy) it is that you avoid the pictures that exploit the less than "perfect" aspects of your model. I apologize for not recalling the photo number in sequence, but there is a photo or two where the lighting causes shadows under Jaqui's eyes that leave the impression of a "just woke up, average girl" rather than the impressive young lady she is. Very nice shoot though. I think your work provides many great examples that artist photographers who teach could use in college classes. Keep it up!
mickey bush
you should stay out of political statements attached to your photoes
Do you seriously think people sign up for this site to see political opinions aired? Not a very good idea at all.
skin and bones + terrible layout...help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As an American who supports his President, I am quite confused by "Mickey-Bush." I work very hard and do not have much free time. One of the few things that I enjoy is to see your site's daily updates, with pretty models and fantastic photography. I do not pay you my hard earned money for Anti-American or Anti-Bush statements, and if I see something like this again, I will cancell my membership immediatetly.
Jaqui window with a view January 16th, 2006

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politics don't belong here
Everyone is free to express their political opinions (at least in the U.S.A.) and, in fact, they should. In my opnion, this is not the correct venue for political expression. All the members are paying to see your artistic work, they are not paying to view or support anyone's political opinions. Let's keep the politics on the blogs, etc. I'm sure most people come here to escape such things for a brief respite.
It appears that the window was several floors up from the ground...the shoot would have also been interesting to see people looking at her from the outside... I agree with Tony, I prefer pubic hair as well.
too shaved. a little pubic hair would be much nicer. Tony
a room with a view
I totally agree with Jason. The bush/mickey thing is hilarious, very appropriate. And I'm from the states. Political expression is protected by our constitution. Those who don't understand that don't appreciate our democratic values.
a room with a view
Jaqui is absolutely STUNNING!!!For my money, the hottest yet on here!!!And ,I must say I like the mickey mouse in the corner!Too bad more peopke here in the states dont agree!!!
The inclussion of that Bush-Mickey picture doesn't seem appropiated in this context of a naked beauty. I don't pay to see your political opinions.
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