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18 歳のハイジは、ノルウェーの深い森に住む自然の美しさです。ノルウェーのトロルの古代部族の伝説に満ちた神秘的な土地。
そして、この驚くべき野生のたてがみと、まるで母なる自然が作り出したかのようなゴージャスなボディで、あなた自身の目でそれを見ることができます.また、バレエのトレーニングを 6 年間受けているため、柔軟性もかなりあります。
アートとデザインを学んでいるハイジは、一流のファッションデザイナーになることを夢見ています。彼女は 18 歳になるとすぐに家を出て、スリルと冒険を求めました。
Heidi, 18, is a natural beauty from the deep forests of Norway. A mysterious land filled with legends of ancient tribes of Norwegian trolls.
People wrongly think trolls are stupid and ugly. But that’s just the myth created by the film industry. In fact, some trolls are incredibly beautiful and intelligent creatures.
And you can see it for yourself with this amazing wild mane of hair and a body so gorgeous it’s as if Mother Nature herself created it. And with 6 years of ballet training, she’s pretty flexible, too.
Studying art and design, Heidi dreams of being a big time fashion designer. As soon as she turned 18 she left home to seek thrills and adventure.
New to nude modelling, she loves the tingling feeling in her stomach when she strips off. And we’re pretty sure her naked body will give you a few tingles, too!