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有些人从不冒险离开他们出生的地方超过几英里。这个女孩不是这样的。 Cindy 有一颗好奇的心和一颗热情的心,两者都是探索世界的完美人选。 这位年仅 18 岁的探险家追随她的荷兰祖先(他们是最早启航进入未知世界的欧洲人之一)。尽管她的余生还在眼前,但 Cindy 的内心却充满了纯洁和天真。但是,尽管她可能仍然对生活的吊索和箭感到天真,但她已经做出了明智的人生选择。 Cindy 天生丽质,不需要昂贵的服装或化妆品就能让她看起来漂亮。她就像她一样完美。这是一个不需要高跟鞋的女孩。她身高 176 厘米,与普通英国或美国男性一样高。 凭借艺术眼光,她目前正在大学学习设计和传播。她相信好的设计让生活看起来更美好,工作也更好。 辛迪充满了青春的快乐和乐观。而正是这种正能量,让她熠熠生辉。
Some people never venture more than a few miles from where they’re born. That’s not the case with this girl. Cindy has a curious mind and a passionate heart, both perfect for discovering the world.
Just 18-years-old, this wannabe explorer takes after her Dutch ancestors (who were some of the first Europeans to set sail into the unknown). With the rest of her life still in front of her, Cindy has a purity and innocence about her. But while she might still be naïve to the slings and arrows of life, she’s already making smart life choices.
Naturally beautiful, Cindy needs no expensive outfits or cosmetics to make her look good. She’s perfect just as she is. And this is a girl who does not need high heels. At 176cms, she stands as tall as the average British or American man.
With an artistic eye, she’s currently studying design and communication at university. She believes that good design makes life both look better and work better.
Cindy is bundle of youthful joy and optimism. And it’s this positive energy that makes her shine.
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