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用美妙来形容大多数 18 岁的女孩简直是言过其实了。 对 TATIANE 来说,这是一个完美的词。她来自巴西圣保罗的贫困地区,从 14 岁起就和母亲一起在街上向游客出售桌布。艰苦的岁月让塔蒂亚娜难得露出笑容,但也让她变得坚韧不拔、雄心勃勃。 塔蒂亚娜又开始从早到晚卖桌布了。她把没给妈妈的钱存起来了。一旦她受够了,她就找到了一位摄影师,并用她不多的作品集开始接触世界各地的摄影师。在她 18 岁生日前几个月,她收到了去阿姆斯特丹工作两个月的邀请。那真是梦想成真。 凭借罕见的笑容、充满活力的个性和坚韧不拔的决心,Tatiane 是一个真正的 Hegre Girl。
To describe most 18 year old girls as wonderful is plain overstatement.
IN TATIANE’S case, it is the perfect word. She comes from the poor quarters of Sao Paulo in Brazil and from the age of 14 worked with her mother selling tablecloths in the street to tourists. The hard times made Tatiane's smile rare, but it also made her resilient and ambitious.
Tatiane went back to selling tablecloths from dawn till dusk. She saved the money she didn't give her mother. As soon as she had enough, she found a photographer and with her modest portfolio started contacting photographers all over the world. A few months before her 18th birthday, she got an invitation for two months work in Amsterdam. It was a dream come true.
With her rare smile, vibrant personality and gritty determination, Tatiane is a real Hegre Girl.
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