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被困在黑暗的地牢中 海蒂就像一个被囚禁在竞技场下的古罗马奴隶,不知道会发生什么。她是作为奖品送给获胜的角斗士吗?她被蒙住眼睛,被铐在椅子上,担心最坏的情况会发生。然而突然之间,她的双腿之间有一种纯净天堂的感觉。 在她的“惩罚”之后,海蒂享受了一个感性的水仪式,净化了她身体上的压力和忧虑。 这种慢动作确实令人着迷;她看起来像一幅印象派画作,浪漫而神秘。
Trapped in a dark dungeon
Like an ancient roman slave, held captive under the coliseum, Heidi does not know what to expect. Is she to be given as a prize to the winning Gladiator? Blindfolded and shackled to a chair, she fears the worst might happen. Yet suddenly there is a feeling of pure heaven between her legs.
After her ‘punishment’, Heidi enjoys a sensual water ritual, cleansing her body of stress and worry.
This slow motion action is truly mesmerising; she looks like an impressionist painting, romantic and mysterious.
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